


五月 23, 2024
Source: iStock / keremberk


英国政府宣布将进一步“打击”学生签证滥用,包括针对“无良”招生中介的新措施以及对高校“更严格的合规标准”,但新政并未对毕业生工作签证(Post-work visa, PSW)进行改变。




  • 进一步加强国际招生监管,包括对大学合作招生中介制定新的强制性框架
  • 国际学生“如果未能通过我们的签证检查注册或完成课程”,他们所在机构将面临失去担保许可证的风险
  • 国际学生将需要满足更高资金要求以证明其经济自给自足
  • 对远程授课进行限制,以“确保所有国际学生主要参加面对面课程”







英国内政大臣詹姆斯·克莱弗利(James Cleverly)表示,签证申请虽然大幅下降,但仍需要进一步“确保我们的移民路线不被滥用”。


据报道,教育大臣吉莉安·基冈(Gillian Keegan)一直反对进一步的改革。她表示,她“为英国大学在国内外享有盛誉而感到自豪,这是它们提供的教育质量让很多人向往在这个国家学习的证明”。



英国大学协会(Universities UK)首席执行官薇薇安·斯特恩(Vivienne Stern)表示,对于毕业生签证的消息让所有人“大大松了口气”,她承诺大学将在这次宣布的其他措施上与政府密切合作,以“确保我们对大学招收和支持国际学生的方式保持信任和信心”。

“鉴于国际学生为整个英国而不仅是大学本身带来巨大价值,我们这样做符合我们所有人的利益。” 斯特恩女士补充道:“我们现在需要的是一段稳定的时期,以及共同致力于提供稳定且管理良好的国际学生环境。”




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Reader's comments (5)

Essentially they are assuring only the wealthiest or most privileged of international students make it into the UK at all. It reads pretty elitist and short sighted for a system so dependant on international students financially
Universities seem more intent on growing their wages bill rather than serving local communities.
Well, you need revenue to fund bills since the UK government cares less about education but prefers to find war abroad. 70% of UK workers are Brits , hence if the industry goes bust, UK citizens would be most affected. On the wage bill, I find this irresponsible comment. So you expect someone with a PhD after studying for many years to earn peanuts ? What manner of service do you expect the Universities to render to the local communities other than ensuring students flow in to keep the housing market boutant and support small businesses with spending power of these students. In addition, their research help local businesses to thrive
Well, you need revenue to fund bills since the UK government cares less about education but prefers to find war abroad. 70% of UK workers are Brits , hence if the industry goes bust, UK citizens would be most affected. On the wage bill, I find this irresponsible comment. So you expect someone with a PhD after studying for many years to earn peanuts ? What manner of service do you expect the Universities to render to the local communities other than ensuring students flow in to keep the housing market boutant and support small businesses with spending power of these students. In addition, their research help local businesses to thrive
Well, you need revenue to fund bills since the UK government cares less about education but prefers to find war abroad. 70% of UK workers are Brits , hence if the industry goes bust, UK citizens would be most affected. On the wage bill, I find this irresponsible comment. So you expect someone with a PhD after studying for many years to earn peanuts ? What manner of service do you expect the Universities to render to the local communities other than ensuring students flow in to keep the housing market boutant and support small businesses with spending power of these students. In addition, their research help local businesses to thrive